Thursday, February 24, 2005

Rocket-fueled milk?

From the report today of, this is a tad disconcerting:

A toxic component of rocket fuel has been found in breast milk of women in 18 states and store-bought milk from various locations around the country.

The chemical, perchlorate, can impede adult metabolism and cause retardation in fetuses, among other things. It leaches into groundwater from various military facilities.

The report includes a graphic that shows where the adulterated milk samples appeared. California, New York and Arizona had the most numbers of rocket-fuel tainted milk samples, but higher concentrations of the chemical showed up in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma (oh dear us) and Florida. The home of the space shuttle had astronomically high samples.

That can't be healthy.

It's one thing when the conspiracy- and armageddon-inclined folks start waxing about chemtrails in the American skies* but when regular scientists start reporting rocket fuel in the baby's milk (breast or bottle) then something is very very wrong.

*In the interest of full disclosure, we must confess that recent observations of the skies are leading us toward at least suspecting that perhaps there is something going on up there.


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