Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Miracles Needed; Much Prayer Required

Officials and residents of New Orleans are reporting that things are getting worse. Water at Tulane University hospital is rising an inch an hour from the levee breach (or breaches).

One man's weblog offers this:
Unless the two block breach in Bucktown is fixed, New Orleans which is already 80% flooded according to Mayor Nagin will destroy the City of New Orleans. In my view, that includes the CBD and French Quarter.

Stephen Sabludowsky's BayouBuzz.com says the only solution to the situation is a miracle. A miracle that will require prayer.

Prayer is needed for all the various dire needs along the Gulf coast. If you can help in no other way, this is one offering that you can spare.

The Creator of the universe and its physical laws is the only One who can suspend those laws and bring about victory and healing. It is time that we turn to Him who was, is, and ever shall be. Might we suggest this prayer:

Praises to the Lord, the Eternal, God of Heaven and Earth!

Praise to Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord!

Praise to the Holy Spirit, co-eternal with the Father and Son, who with the Father and Son moved upon the waters and created the world upon which we so depend.

Praise and thanksgiving for this opportunity to pray for others, and to sacrifice our time, talent and treasure to help those in the path of destruction.

Prayers of contrition in the ways in which we, as individuals, and as a society, have forgotten the truly important parts of life, like love and forgiveness and sharing, and instead of focused on our own material wants and physical pleasures, too often ignoring both God and our neighbor in need.

Prayers of supplication for Divine Assistance since we realize only too well that we are helpless to make things right, or even to stop the flood tide of destruction that threatens to eliminate a major American city from the face of the earth.

Please, Almighty God and Father, through the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus, and the love and grace of the Holy Spirit, for the glorification of your Holy Name, intercede on behalf of New Orleans and all those along the Gulf coast who are imperiled and beset.

Grant that the miracles necessary for their healing and rebuilding, and especially for their spiritual healing and rebuilding, begin now.

Through you, alone, O Lord, is the victory possible.

In the Name of the Jesus Christ, we pray!



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