Media advised: Don't get stuck on 'Stupid'
It's the new catch phrase of the 21st Century and, we predict, is destined to have a long shelf life. "Don't get stuck on Stupid."
It is a gift to all Americans courtesy of Lt. Gen. Russel Honore, the Ragin' Cajun who has kicked butt, knocked heads together and is responsible for saving whatever is left of New Orleans. In a press conference Tuesday, as reporters seemed reluctant to talk about the specifics of evacuations from Hurricane Rita but instead to dwell on the alleged shortcomings of the evacuations four weeks ago from Katrina, this dialogue occurred (courtesy of Radio Blogger):
General Honore: " ... we understand that there's a problem in getting communications out. That's where we need your help. But let's not confuse the questions with the answers. Buses at the convention center will move our citizens, for whom we have sworn that we will support and defend...and we'll move them on. Let's not get stuck on the last storm. You're asking last storm questions for people who are concerned about the future storm. Don't get stuck on stupid, reporters. We are moving forward. And don't confuse the people please. You are part of the public message. So help us get the message straight. And if you don't understand, maybe you'll confuse it to the people. That's why we like follow-up questions. But right now, it's theconvention center, and move on."
Male reporter: "General, a little bit more about why that's happening this time, though, and did not have that last time ..."
Honore: "You are stuck on stupid. I'm not going to answer that question. We are going to deal with Rita. This is public information that people are depending on the government to put out. This is the way we've got to do it. So please. I apologize to you, but let's talk about the future. Rita is happening. And right now, we need to get good, clean information out to the people that they can use. And we can have a conversation on the side about the past, in a couple of months."
Can you imagine what would happen if more interviewees would start demanding intellectual accountability -- that's code for "proof of smarts" -- from media reporters?
As Radio Blogger said, "I think the General just started a movement, and he may not even realize it. Every time a reporter, in any situation, starts spinning, or completely misses the point, they need to be peppered with, "Don't get stuck on stupid." has this take.
The Political Teen has the video!
Will Collier over at VodkaPundit, observes: "Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnesses to a rare and wonderful moment: a new catch phrase has been born." Meanwhile Stephen Green, the VodkaPundit himself, points out the the New York Times has re-invented "Stuck on Stupid," perhaps taking it to a new level, by eliminating 500 jobs and moaning about profitability "in the same week the NYT walled off its Opinion page to all but paid subscribers. Stupid."
I can't stand our Media today...
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