Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Try to Blanco-wash this!

Should be interesting to see how Kathleen Blanco tries to weasle out of the revelation today that the American Red Cross, which had stockpiled supplies to take into New Orleans, was forbidden to do so by Louisiana state authorities.
Powerline, citing Hugh Hewitt, is reporting that:

According to Hugh Hewitt, Major Garrett of Fox News is reporting that the Red Cross "had prepositioned water, food, blankets and hygiene products for delivery to the Superdome and the Convention Center in the immediate aftermath of the hurricane, but were blocked from delivering those supplies by orders of the Louisiana state government, which did not want to attract people to the Superdome and/or Convention Center."

Explosive, obviously, if true. Hugh has interviewed Garrett, who says the report comes from "sources at the highest levels of the Red Cross."

There are several updates, but what is becoming clear is that there was a decision by someone at the state level to interfere with relief help. Since Blanco is the governor, and unless she feels like "outing" some official beneath her in the chain of command, she bears responsibility.

Blanco seemingly has had problems understanding the nature of the Katrina Event. It is apparent that her reality is just a little bit different from everyone else's. She doesn't do "complex and complicated" very well, although for the life of us we do not see how complex or complicated it is to allow food, water and blankets to be delivered to half-drowned evacuees.


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