Tuesday, August 08, 2006

New Mexico governor going back to North Korea?

Bill Richardson is hinting he's on another diplomatic mission to Alderon. No that's not right. North Korea. We get them confused.

Apparently there are no missing plans hidden in any droids. (Although isn't Los Alamos located in New Mexico? Hmmm, that last missile test of theirs didn't go so well, did it?).

But we digress. Reuters (that bastion of objectivity and accuracy) is hinting that Richardson could be acting as a conduit between Kim Jong Il and the Bush Administration. That's got to be pure baloney sandwich. More likely he's a go-between for one of the Clintons as he prepares himself for 2008, an unsuccessful primary bid and the eventual acceptance as Hillary's running mate.

Don't you just feel swell that the governor of New Mexico has things so well in hand in the Land of Enchantment that he has the time to go to the Orient to advance the cause of world peace?

Sleep well tonight, America.


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