Wednesday, April 25, 2007

So much for an open society

Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee and Primal Therapy enthusiast, says the only way citizens can get the "truth" from political candidates is to exclude the press.

This, friends, is what psychologists would call Projection. Big time Projection.

That's what happens when an individual sees his own attributes in other people.

For when a national political party is captive to an extremist financier and the various committees and organizations this billionaire bigwig is funding, it cannot afford to have its candidates speaking in front of cameras. The left controls the Dem agenda. Thus we see such things as the Dem-controlled Congress attempting to set a pullout date in Iraq, all the while proclaiming their support for troops. That's called Cognitive dissonance.

It's a social disorder.

Voters, please take note. You allowed these extremely compromised people to take over Congress last November because they refused to campaign on any real issues. Now they claim all sorts of "mandates" were transmitted in your votes, perhaps through some magical electoral ESP.

It will only get worse if you encourage them. Please refrain.

The Dems are already moving several pieces of legislation forward that would expand government, curb individual freedoms and eventually mess up your lives and ours. They prefer show trials over real debate and closed doors to open access.

Be vigilant.


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