Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Sociology of Global Warming - Part II

I can't say I didn't expect this.

My son's high school sociology teacher followed up his presentation last week of the Theology of Global Warming by backing it up with an "authoritative" video.

That's right, Archbishop Algore's "Inconvenient Truth."

My son is disgusted. "This is a bigger waste of time than usual," he said this morning. "It's all propaganda, with the same camera shots of glaciers falling into the ocean and video of polar bears swimming."

The irony is that the video had to be interrupted for a day because icy weather canceled classes on Tuesday, something that rarely happens in this part of Oklahoma. (This is becoming known in meteorological circles as the Global Gore Effect.)

The teacher has yet to respond to my son's extensive submission on global warming alternatives. The signs are not encouraging. I was thinking about dropping a note to this teacher, asking for an opportunity to at least present some sort of balancing information, but then I would kind of like my son to get a decent grade in this class so that our auto insurance rates will drop by $100 a month. His GPA is ever so close ...

I know. This is how Satan works in the modern world.

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