Wednesday, February 25, 2009

With Over 8,500 Earmarks to Better Waste Your Tax $$$

They've done it again.

The House has just passed the "Omnibus bill" that includes over $407 billion in spending over and above the nearly $800 billion that passed just two weeks ago. The vote was 245 to 178. Sixteen free-spending Republicans were on board with the free-spending Democrats.

It now goes to the Senate for "consideration." I use quote marks because I'm not sure whether that process even takes place anymore.

Congress is spending money so fast now that even Matt Drudge can't keep up. Or he doesn't bother.

According to one analysis of the "Omni" there are 8,500 "earmarks" in the bill. This passes on the day after Mr. President vows that there will be no more earmarks. Heh.

U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn, the tireless budget hawk, has outlined some of the interesting and deplorable aspects of the "Omni" on his twitter page. Among them:

-- $150,000 for lobster research.

-- At least $17 billion for NASA.

-- $250,000 for Bluefin Tuna tagging. (Well, there are an awful lot of tuna swimming around,and if you have to tag every one of them ...)

-- The Department of Justice gets $25 million for its "Weed & Seed" program. (I'm almost afraid to ask what this one covers. The senator said the program paid for a do-nut eating event in Ohio and dance instruction in Georgia. For federal agents?)

-- $10 million for Blue Crab disaster assistance in Maryland and Virginia.

Lots of other fish projects.

And this is just scratching the surface.

Do you feel like your government is out of control?

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