Monday, March 30, 2009

Media Blackout Ends in Dismay

Went on a 24-hour self-imposed media blackout in order to make a short trip to Baja Oklahoma.

Punched in WBAP (Dallas AM station) on the return trip and heard how Mr. Obama is now apparently making the hiring and firing decisions at General Motors.
"Let me be clear: The United States government has no interest in running GM; we have no intention in running GM," Obama said.

But that was at the same time he was formally announcing the departure of Wagoner, whom administration officials forced into retirement on Sunday in preparation for the president's remarks.

"This is not meant as a criticism of Mr. Wagoner, who has devoted his life to this company; rather it's a recognition that it will take a new vision and new direction to create the GM of the future," Obama said.

Obviously I need to analyze the details, but on first blush it doesn't look good. No, siree!

What does Barack Obama know about running an auto company? Or any company?

Think! When you consider Tim Geithner's request for broader powers to take over "problem" companies, even those who haven't accepted federal bailouts, the president's actions would seem to give us an indication of what the endgame actually entails.

And did you hear the interview clip where Tax Cheat Tim predicted that in the future Americans wouldn't be concerned about the amount of pay they take home but the social importance of the work they do?

I'm not trying to be all 19th Century or anything, but yikes!

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