Thursday, March 26, 2009

Striking Close to Home

It's been a good day, but I couldn't devote enough time to complete a thought for posting for the longest time.

We've had intermittent thunderstorms and our Junior Oklahomilist thought his car had been struck by lightning -- with him in it -- at one point, although I'm a bit skeptical since there is no visible burn or damage marks on the car. Admittedly it was very close to him, close enough to convince an oncoming motorist to stop her vehicle dead in the road to gape at my son.

Thank God for big favors, in this case.

The rain and warmth have signaled an explosion of blossoms and leaves on plants and trees. Several dogwoods are merely breathtaking in their glory. All of this just in time for the possibility of snow tomorrow night. Of course, most of that is expected for Tulsa and northward, not down here.

Yet, strange things do happen.



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