Thursday, March 19, 2009

Your Bonus or Your Life ...

The head of AIG testified Wednesday that death threats against executives (and their family members) have been received over the controversial bonuses. He refused to give their names to Rep. Barney Frank, saying that public disclosure might well put these people in harms way. Frank, the ever-sensitive guy, said he would consider issuing subpoenas for them.

Well, Congressman Gary Ackerman, 5th District New York, has the answer for solving the dilemma. On Neil Cavuto's TV show yesterday, he said, (courtesy of Jonah Goldberg at NRO's Corner):
But, certainly, the point of finding out who has taken this money - - listen, we own 80 percent of that company right now. From my — as far as I am concerned, they are almost public employees. Public employees, we have — we can have certain requirements on them.

If they return the money, then I don't think anybody has to know who they are or what their names are.
So that's the choice. Face 90 percent taxation from patently unconstitutional legislation, or face congressional extortion. Just great.

Who are these clowns in charge?

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