Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Another Soggy Tuesday in the Trenches

Hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend.

I spent the first part of it driving 700 miles in a wide triangle that took me nearly to Dallas, back up to Oklahoma City, and then home. This included attending the final performance of "The Lion King" at the OKC convention center -- fabulous, by the way, and this from a guy who has never actually watched the entire Disney movie.

By the time we arrived home Sunday night, I had no desire to catch up on current events and had nothing to say about anything. That feeling persisted yesterday as one of my sons and his girlfriend dropped by. Plus there were graves to attend to.

It wasn't until fairly late last night that I saw that all hell was breaking loose again, with the Norks lighting off a Hiroshima-size nuke blast, swine flu killing its 12th U.S. victim, and Iran's deploying a "fleet" of six ships into international waters. A poll shows a majority of Israelis are ready to "pre-empt" Iran back into the 6th Century (where its religious leaders likely would feel more at home) and warning that Hugo Chavez is supplying the Iranians with uranium.

Which brings up the question, once the fissionable material is in Iran, does it then become Iranium?

None of these issues were resolved by this morning, sadly. Instead, things are worse.

Nancy Pelosi is practicing her personal brand of diplomacy among the China puppet masters by pretending to twist their arms so that they will embrace the shared sacrifice that is the progressives war on "climate change." (What she's really doing is getting secret marching orders from the Central Committee, which include a new mandate that Americans buy more body wash and skin lotions with amazing new chemical blends that cause fantastic body rashes. I admit that I do not have anything other than circumstantial evidence to back this claim up.)

And, of course, President Obama has nominated the first Hispanic woman to the nation's highest court. You'd think, from the way the media is rejoicing, that we were finally a color-blind society, instead of a judicially blind society. More on that later.

As I look out the window, I see that it's raining again.

Feels like it's raining all over the world.



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