Thursday, June 25, 2009

9 Things You Need to Know About Cap & Tax

The Obama administration is in full press mode twisting arms in the House to pass the "Cap and Tax" legislation official known as "ACES": the American Clean Energy & Security Act of 2009.

Here's the short list of what you need to know:

1) It is a huge tax on the American people and American business. Cost estimates range from a ludicrously "cooked" $175 per year per family (Congressional Budget Office) to $4,100+ per year per family (according to an ACES advocate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

2) Since all Americans use electricity, natural gas, coal and gasoline, all Americans will get hit with this tax increase.

3) Since nearly all Americans buy groceries and merchandise that have to be shipped from somewhere to their local stores, the increased cost of energy will be reflected in their purchases.

4) The rationale of this legislation is to halt "global warming." By their own admission, the authors of the bill project that this will a reduction in the warming of the planet by 1/10th of a degree Celcius than it otherwise would have been after 100 years. The cost-benefit of this multi-trillion dollar tax doesn't even come close to making sense.

5) There is nothing in this legislation that will ensure we convert to "green" energy. It is a revenue measure designed to force draconian conservation actions by you and me. We will cut back on our electrical use and our driving because we will have no choice.

6) The word "security" in the title is superfluous horse shit. Nothing that the bill proposes is going to make this nation any more secure. In fact, as the last of our industries flee to countries who don't give a damn about global warming, we will be less secure because even our national defense will have to be outsourced to industries outside our borders.

7) As you read this, you have less than 24 hours to contact your representatives in Congress and tell them that you do not support this bill, and you will not forgive them if they vote in favor of it. As Thomas Jefferson said, "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." Current congresspersons should be very afraid that we will toss them out in next year's midterm elections. The only way for them to know this is for us to make them aware.

8) What else should you do? Tell your friends and your family. Don't let stupid comments in support of "cap and tax" go unchallenged with facts. Ask a supporter if they plan on getting a big raise at their work in order to pay for this.

9) In the event that "cap and tax" is passed, you need to prepare by doing what you can to make your home energy efficient. Every dollar you save per month will be just that much more valuable under the onerous conditions that will come to pass. Saving 30 percent on your energy expenses just might preserve your ability to feed your family.

Okay, the list wasn't that short, but it is crucial that you are aware. If we stop ACES in the House, we will not have to worry so much about the Senate.

Mark my words, they will do anything, say anything, use any crisis -- real or manufactured -- as justification to push this abomination into law.

Tell them no!

NOTE -- The editors of National Review have an editorial against ACES today that makes many of the same points. Their money quote:
So here are the cards Democrats want to deal us: ACES would impose costs at least ten times as large as its benefits, would not reduce the deficit, and would not really cap emissions. It’s a losing hand.

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