Friday, June 26, 2009

Olbermann Label Puts Pro-Lifer's Life in Jeopardy

What happens when Keith Olbermann calls you the "Worst Person in the World," which is something he does daily over at MF-NBC?

It can create a problem, as Jill Stanek discovered. A few details:

Jill Stanek — a white, pro-life woman — has been called just that by Keith Olbermann, who is a political commentator on MSNBC. Jill is just one in a string of many white, pro-life women who are coming under attack in ways that are both alarming and increasing in frequency.

When late-term abortionist Dr. Tiller was recently murdered, much of the media — including Olbermann — quickly affiliated all pro-life groups together with the perpetrator of that heinous crime. This, even though countless bishops, pro-life leaders and others condemned Tiller’s murder as an act that did not reflect the ultimate belief of pro-lifers that every life is precious from womb to tomb, even Tiller’s. Olbermann’s incendiary attack on Jill Stanek, labeling her the “Worst Person in the World,” quickly resulted in threats upon Stanek and her church, as she revealed in an interview that aired on Catholic radio.

The author cites other examples of how being a white, pro-life, Christian woman increasingly makes you a target.

Olbermann gave Stanek the title on June 4. Her crime? Telling the truth publicly about what she witnessed as a Chicago nurse when infants who survived abortion were allowed to die without medical care or basic comfort.

For this, the pro-death crowd considers her a monster, and they blame her personal campaign for the rights of the unborn, in part, for the shooting death of abortionist George Tiller. But then again, they blame all pro-life people, and would lock us away, if they could.

The truth is that with each and every "worst person of the world" award that Olbermann hands out, he is only proving that he is deserving of the title himself.

And, in fact, Olbermann is deranged to the point where he probably would vote for Waxman-Markey's Cap'n Tax if he were in the Congress which, thank God above, he is not.

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