Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Consistently anti-American

Guess who signed on as an American lawyer for Saddam Hussein?

Ramsey Clarke, a former Attorney General of the United States who, since leaving the LBJ Administration nearly forty years ago has done little except attack and belittle his own country. At least we can give him points for consistency: consistently anti-American. He's also done legal work for Slobodan Milosevic.

According to Al Jazeera, no doubt its editors ecstatic as they trumpeted the news, Clarke believes that the Iraqi court in which the trial will be held is "illegal" under international law. Their report included this foretaste of legal lunacies to come:
Clark also said the US itself must be tried for the November assault on Falluja, destruction of houses, torture in prisons and its role in the deaths of thousands of Iraqis in the war.

Ramsey Clarke. Disgusting, to the last.


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