Tuesday, October 04, 2005

UPDATE -- 'Jihad materials' reportedly in OU apartment

World Net Daily is reporting that "jihad materials" were discovered in Joel Hinrich's OU apartment by investigators: An Oklahoma University student who killed himself by detonating a bomb strapped to his body outside a packed stadium over the weekend was a "suicide bomber" in possession of "Islamic jihad" materials, according to a new report.
Joel Henry Hinrichs III, 21, an engineering major at the school blew himself up outside OU's football stadium during Saturday night's game against Kansas State. Doug Hagmann, a seasoned investigator, told WND he was informed by multiple reliable law-enforcement sources familiar with the investigation into the incident that authorities recovered a "significant amount" of "jihad" materials, as well as Hinrichs' computer.

Hagmann also said those same sources indicated police and federal agents "had pulled additional explosives from [Hinrichs'] house," including triacetone triperoxide, or TATP, "homemade explosive [that is] very potent but relatively easily manufactured."

TATP was also used in the July mass transit bombings in London, CNN reported, and was used by attempted bomber Richard Reid, who packed his shoes with the compound in an unsuccessful attempt to destroy a U.S.-bound American Airlines flight in December 2001.

The confiscated jihad documents "referenced bomb-making manuals and that type of thing," Hagmann said, who added Hinrichs' apartment in Norman, Okla., is "located near the Islamic Society."

A phone at the Islamic Society of Norman went unanswered yesterday. Also, there was no response to an e-mail inquiry by press time.
On Haggman's website, HomelandSecurityus.com, he points out a disturbing number of connections and/or coincidences between terrorism and the city of Norman, Okla., starting with the flight school visit by Mohammed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi in July 2000 and the subsequent enrolment of Zacharias Moussaoui (who only wanted to learn how to pilot a jet airline in flight, takeoffs and landings did not interest him).

There's more, and it's worth a hard look. If enough people ask enough of the right questions, perhaps authorities will be more forthcoming with us than they have been in the past.

UPDATE #1 -- Hinrich's father has said that his son was uninterested in politics and was unlikely to have a political motive. This leads The Jawa Report (Rusty Shackelford) to speculate that the younger Hinrichs might have "consulted" with Islamic radicals in order to facilitate a sensational bang-up suicide without the intention of harming anyone else. ("... if you are going to kill yourself why not consult with the experts?" he asks.)

UPDATE #2 -- University officials announced today they are tightening security at stadium events, and this includes ending a tradition where individuals were allowed to leave at halftime and re-enter. Odd that, after 9/11, it would take this long to figure that one out.

LINK to today's other post exploring the odd questions that are arising out of Norman.


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