Friday, August 25, 2006

A little more perspective, please

The MSM, undoubtedly disappointed by the lack of hurricanes to cover this year, can't help but wet all over themselves in their One-Year Anniversary retrospectives of Hurricane Katrina.

But if they'd look a little bit to the west (the Far East) they'd pick up on the news that four typhoons have left 15 million Chinese homeless!

While the People's Republic has somewhat lower standards of concern over the restoration needs of its citizens when such things occur, there is no doubt that the feeding and housing of such a large slice of populace is going to impact the Chinese economy in various ways. This could have repercussions for the United States, China's biggest trading partner, although how that would shake out is anyone's guess.

Our main thought is that Americans ought to be counting their blessings that things weren't worse and that most people have an opportunity to either rebuild or to start a better life somewhere else. Fifteen million citizens displaced, regardless of the reason, is a natural disaster of its own. Had it happened in America, we'd never hear the end of it.


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