Monday, July 02, 2007

Clueless or Conniving? Either way Chertoff needs to go

It's amazing how one man keeps popping up and utters the most vapid, useless utterances in America, or else he hurls insults at those who believe most strongly in what this country is supposed to stand for. Michael Chertoff, director of Homeland Security, doesn't get it.

On Sunday, appearing on Fox News, he scolded the U.S. Senate for its failure to pass an immigration bill that the vast majority of Americans despised. It also seems he is telegraphing a future failure to enforce existing immigration law:

"We're going to continue to enforce the law. It's going to be tough," Michael Chertoff said. "We don't really have the ability to enforce the law with respect to illegal work in this country in a way that's truly effective."

That's nonsense, and he knows it. All it takes to enforce the law are leaders who decide to enforce the law. It's a decision, and he obviously is one of those "grand bargainers" who wants centralization of everything on a grand scale. Since the president obviously thinks Chertoff walks on water, one can just imagine the quality of advice that is going into the Oval Office. We can't enforce the American workplace, Chertoff says, and we can't keep tabs on who's crossing the border, but we can believe Mr. Chertoff when he declares, as he did today, that "we are safe" from terrorists?
"We are safe, but we are safe because we continue to pay attention and we continue to add security measures," Chertoff said as the Fourth of July holiday approaches.
This despite another report, from ABC News, that intelligence officials believe Al Quaida is planning a "summer spectacular" event for the United States. Chertoff is an egg-headed fool who cannot separate his ego from the practicalities of his position. If something happens his words will come back to haunt the Administration, in ways that will not be productive.

We may be relatively safe, but it takes only one slip-up and terrorists will strike again. It is not a question of if but of when. Citizens need to know this.

So is the man clueless, or is his the result of conniving to advance the globalist agenda?

Bottom line: It doesn't much matter. Chertoff does not deserve to be paid American tax dollars. We need someone in the job a little more humble and who has a much wider vision of the scope of the war in which we are engaged.


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