Monday, January 26, 2009

New Strategy: Let's Push for Global Warming

From the Drudge Report:
Al Gore is scheduled before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday morning to once again testify on the 'urgent need' to combat global warming.

But Mother Nature seems ready to freeze the proceedings.

A 'Winter Storm Watch' has been posted for the nation's capitol and there is a potential for significant snow... sleet... or ice accumulations. ...

Global warming advocates have suggested this year's wild winter spells are proof of climate change.
Yeah, and this global warming is about to get me down as a major winter storm pounds through the Sooner state. We survived nearly six days without electricity last winter, and I am not anxious to repeat the experience.

Forget the fact that temperatures since 1998 have cooled to such an extent that they have erased all the "warming" of the previous 90 years. Forget the exposes that have shown how certain "scientists" have manipulated weather data, even to the extent of relocating temperature gauges to "hotter" areas of some cities in order to "cook" the readings.

I suggest a new strategy: Let's all become cheerleaders for global warming. The Vikings once encountered grape production on Vinland (now a cold place called Greenland). Apparently it was hotter then than it is now, and it was a good thing. I say we push for a warmer climate and relocate where we must. It'll be a hell of a lot cheaper for society and my heating bill won't be so onerous in the winter.

It's a win-win for everyone except Algore.

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