'I'm Your Huckleberry'

MSNBC is reporting that Val Kilmer is considering a run for governor of New Mexico.
I say great, but only if he puts on his Doc Holiday duds.
Kilmer's a Democrat, of course, who reportedly donated $4,000 to the presidential campaign of Ralph Nader last year but says he voted for Obama in the general election.
Kilmer said if he ran it wouldn't have to be a conventional campaign.That's what I'm counting on. Unconventional and entertaining.
And perhaps a good conservative would actually win. It's a long shot but anything is possible.
Very disappointed that MSNBC failed to list "Tombstone" among Kilmer's cinematic achievements. It is, by far, the best portrayal of the deadly Arizona dentist friend of Wyatt Earp. (But when does MSNBC ever fail to disappoint?)
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