Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sonia Auditions for The Supremes

It used to be that justice was blind.

Now it's progressive. And comedic.

Nominee Sonia Sotomayor, a federal appellate jurist from New York, and daughter of Puerto Rican immigrants, recently addressed a forum where she discussed her view of what appeals court judges do.
"Court of appeals is where policy is made. And I know this is on tape, and I should never say that, cause we don't make law, I know [Audience laughs, she smiles, waves her hands dismissively]. I'm not promoting it, I'm not advocating it, I'm ... you know ... [she laughs]."
Being a progressive-minded jurist in America today means never having to say your sorry for being empathetic, or that you rewrote the meaning of the law upon which you just ruled. Or as you might sing it, "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me."

It means you trust your own experience as a member of this (fill in the blank) group, or that (fill in the blank) minority over what those stodgy old white, slave-loving Founding Fathers wrote into that old parchment "twenty centuries ago," (according to President Obama, today).

Is Sonia Sotomayor qualified to be a member of the U.S. Supreme Court?

Not according to the statement we quote above.

Will she be confirmed?

Most likely.

Will it matter?

Only if one of the conservatives leaves the court early.

Much prayer is in order.



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