Sunday, June 28, 2009

Honduran President Arrested, Exiled -- Obama, Hugo Peeved

The president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, wanted to hold an "unscheduled election" to amend the Constitution to allow him to serve longer. He felt the one four-year term limit wasn't fair "to the people."

Of course.

The Honduran Supreme Court ruled that he couldn't just order an election by forcing the armed forces of Honduras to pass out ballots. In fact, it ruled against him twice.

The Honduran Congress, representatives elected by the people, also let Zelaya know he was overstepping his authority.

Zelaya ignored both, and ordered the military to pass out the ballots. He even fired the head of the military when he wouldn't go against Congress and the Court.

So what did the military do? Earlier today they surrounded the "presidential palace" and then went inside where they corralled the erstwhile second-termer, took him to the airport and exiled him to Costa Rica.

This is a bit weird for Latin America, as this is a case where the military actually upheld the constitution. The president of the Congress is the new interim president.

By the way, did we tell you that Zelaya is a socialist?

Which explains why Hugo Chavez of Venezuela is howling mad, and is threatening war. Just give me an excuse, he seems to be suggesting.

Guess who else is torqued?

Yes, indeed. The Obamessiah.
"I call on all political and social actors in Honduras to respect democratic norms, the rule of law and the tenets of the Inter-American Democratic Charter," Obama said. "Any existing tensions and disputes must be resolved peacefully through dialogue free from any outside interference."
He was "deeply concerned." That's about where his temperature is on Iran, too, so there probably isn't anything for Honduras to worry about. Our progressive head of diplomacy also weighed in.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a statement that Sunday's action in Honduras "violates the precepts of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, and thus should be condemned by all."
In other words, in their view, Honduras' constitution isn't the controlling document here. It's some sort of regional treaty co-authored by other socialist thugs.

About what we should expect from the socialist leadership in our own government, which looks at our Constitution is a nuisance to be shredded whenever possible.

About the only thing I liked about Manuel Zelaya was his hat. Why don't we wear straw hats anymore in the United States?

Would you like to see his hat?

I'll bet the next president of Honduras will also wear a hat.

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