Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A New 'Common Sense' is Here

In the 1770s, a pamphleteer named Thomas Paine awakened the citizens of the 13 American colonies by giving them a hard dose of "Common Sense." The government, he argued, has over-stepped the Laws of Nature and is trampling on your liberties.

Two centuries and a handful of years later, another "Common Sense" is on the bookshelves. I got my copy this morning and am already convinced, after the introduction and first chapter, that it is the wake up call for a new generation of Americans.

The official title is "Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Out of Control Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine." It includes Thomas Paine's version. It's in paperback, it's not expensive, and I believe that it is a must read for anyone who, as Beck would say, "knows in their gut" that someone is dreadfully wrong with our country.

I don't care if you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative, libertarian or free spirit of nature. It doesn't matter whether you believe in global warming or not. What should matter is whether your ability to make free life choices will remain much longer. That's what this well-researched book details. You owe it to yourself to obtain a copy and read it carefully.

A government powerful enough to "give" you everything you think you need is also powerful enough to take everything from you that you enjoy. A government aiming to take care of your every need must also be governed by angels, not human beings. For human beings inevitably will succumb to the temptations of power and greed.

Our founding fathers knew this only too well. I believe they would be appalled at what has happened to their experiment in the application of limited government of, by and for the people.

So should we.

It is not too late to peacefully reclaim our birthright through the constitutional mechanisms the founders put into place. Yet that time is limited, as the headlines of the day point out only too clearly.

Please get a copy, read it, and pass it along. If not for yourselves, then for your children and grandchildren. Give them a chance to live in a country where liberty is preserved, not mourned.

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