Presidential Approval Index -- Minus 8
It's been a week or so since we've checked in with Rasmussen's Presidential Tracking Poll and, oh my goodness, things aren't looking so good for the globe-trotting standard bearer of all things hopey-changey.

Not only is the honeymoon with the American people over, but it looks like we're just about to the "you sleep on the couch!" stage.
Rasmussen believes that the latest precipitous drop is because of the economic reports that show that job losses are still mounting and consumer confidence is also plummeting.
No doubt this explains some of the drop. Americans inexplicable continue to believe that their president somehow embodies economic success or failure when the reality is, or used to be, that a president has very little to do with it. President Obama has taken more of a direct role than any president since FDR, although Nixon would run a close third place. So maybe he should get credit or blame for the consequences.
But I think a good part of the loss of public confidence in our president is the dawning awareness of Americans that he is pushing for so many changes, on such slim hopes, so rapidly that we may not recognize the country in which we live very soon. The details of the Climate Bill (aka Waxman-Markey aka Cap and Trade aka Cap'n Tax aka the American Clean Energy & Security Act of 2009) are beginning to filter into the public domain and the public is not pleased.
And so we are left with a situation where only 30 percent of the American public strongly support President Obama. That isn't going to go down much more unless someone invents a sanity pill and we require all moonbat leftists to swallow it.
Labels: ObamaWatch, Rasmussen
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