Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Why We Will Vote "W"

EDITOR'S NOTE -- This is our contribution to Hugh Hewitt's Week-long symposium on why George W. Bush will be our choice on November 2. Please visit his site and sample from hundreds of Pajamahadeen editorialists, once again putting the MainStreamMedia (MSM) to shame.

1. NATIONAL SECURITY & THE WAR AGAINST ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISTS. While we don't care much for the term "War on Terror," for all practical purposes we are in agreement with the Bush vision for dealing with foreign threats. A Post 9/11 worldview for America must involve strength, intelligence, and the willingness to take action. Alliances are useful when they involve mutual interests. World government as it is constituted is an expensive, dangerous and shop-worn joke. Bush understands this. Kerry is either too visionary, too socialist or too full of intellectual crap to comprehend, even after 9/11.

2. SUPREME COURT APPOINTMENTS. Can you imagine a Chief Justice Hillary? Perhaps God held off giving Dubya appointment opportunities until after we give him a more conservative GOP-controlled Senate to confirm them. This may be the one arena arguably more important for the future of our nation than national defense.

3. NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY. Under Clinton, the U.S. moved two steps toward United Nations sovereignty. Bush has taken us one step back. We need another four years to take one more giant step back, say "Mother, may I?" and give the U.N. the pointed end of our cowboy boot. (It won't happen, but we'll be safer with Bush at the helm.)

4. ENERGY POLICY, TAX REFORM, SOCIAL SECURITY REFORM. We direly need them all, especially energy policy. Kerry's energy policy would look like Jimmy Carter's (throw on another sweater, darlin'), taxes most certainly will go up, and Social Security will be ignored like the red-headed ponzi stepchild that it is.

5. CONSERVATIVE GOVERNANCE. A second Bush-Cheney term likely will be more conservative because neither man can or will run for office in 2008. Political considerations can take second place to principles.

6. YOU CANNOT REWARD CHEATERS. A Kerry win would send a signal to all liberal Demo koolaid types (as well as the MSM) that lies, distortions, vote fraud, manipulation and intimidation are the tactics for 21st Century electoral success. If for no other reason alone, Kerry deserve to lose and lose big. Maybe CBS could hire him as an analyst. The same principle holds true for Daschle and his Senate and House colleagues up for re-election.

7. INSURANCE AGAINST THE UNKNOWN & UNEXPECTED. History tells us the issues of the campaign are almost never the signature issues of the Next Four Years. Bush has proven his ability to shift gears to meet new challenges. It takes intelligence, character, a good team and an optimistic vision. Kerry is still trying to fight Vietnam, is scared silly of American nuclear power, and has shown us a character of self-centered arrogance combined with defeatism and a mean streak. Worse, he might be an angel of light compared to his traveling companions in a Kerry Administration. Scary thought.

8. STYLE. George and Laura have respect for the Presidency and restored dignity to the White House. They may not throw outrageous parties, but isn't it about time Baby Boomers grew up anyway? Conversely, can you imagine four years of the New Camelot of the Insufferably Royal Heinz-Kerrys in residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.?

On second thought, let's not go there. It's a silly place.


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