Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Focus: Fallujah

Just got through reading today's update at The Belmont Club that takes all of one's MSM-driven preconceptions about "what's going down" in Iraq and shoots them full of laser-guided holes. This blog stays on top of real reporting from the battlefield, plus it has sources that flesh out the truth behind our military's mission in Saddam's sandy old stomping grounds.

You want to know what's really happening over there? Don't listen to Dan Blather and the other Sons of Surrender on the news-nets. Now that the election's over they aren't all that interested in Iraq anyway. (And whatever happened to those breathless stories about kilotons of missing explosives? Same thing that happened with those fake Guard documents. Truly the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls, or something like that.)

Bottom line is that we're kicking hind quarters so effectively we don't even have the time to take down the names. If you need some reassurance that our President and our fighting men and women are on the right track, read and be glad. Our mission is sound and our muscle is good, scary good.


At 1:26 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Nice post, Dave, and you're right. check out what the BBC is saying. Little Green Footballs just posted their distortions of Fallujah.
Liberty Just in Case


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