Friday, September 09, 2005

Pogram against Palestinian Christians

Captain Ed takes documents what international diplomacy and the "Road to Peace" will get you:
The pogrom at Taiba, where Islamists chased frightened Christians from their homes and burned buildings to the ground two days ago, came as part of a concerted effort by Muslim extremists to drive Christians out of the Holy Land, the Telegraph reports this morning. Christian leaders who expressed frustration over broken promises from Yasser Arafat now say that current Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas won't even return their calls ...

Why isn't this news?

Why has this not received much coverage? The Christian community has to take part of the responsibility for that themselves. They kept quiet while trying to work through channels, hoping that Yasser Arafat would make good on his promises ... someday. They only gave up when his successor eschewed Arafat's hypocrisy, a rare occurrence in any case.

However, the global media also shoulders some of the load. They regularly report on all sorts of attacks in that area, and yet rarely report on those affecting the Christians. Why? Would a reminder that the Islamist goals of domination don't just apply to Jews and other Muslims? Perhaps the media do not want people to connect the dots between radical Islam and the Palestinian Authority, as that would create a demand to disavow Abbas and Fatah as realistic partners for peace.

What we've got is a "Roadmap to Hell."


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