Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Good morning, just barely

Taking care of a little housekeeping this morning, mostly trying to tidy up the extra floating "corners" left over from template changes last week. The corners are now history and the look is much less cluttered, at least through the Firefox browser. Internet Explorer still has less than savory aspects, which is part for the course with IE, but even the look there is better than it was.

Also taking some time this morning to do a little Fall Blog Tour, and could not help but to post a couple of comments here and there. Among things to admire:

Okiedoke has a real clean looking, utilitarian site. He also has something to say in a clear, distinctive voice; he has an edge, and we like it. Noticed his unhappiness over no Oklahoma blogs in CNET's Top 100, so ...

We checked out CNET's Top 100. No wonder. They're all kinda technoid (Geeky? Well, all bloggers share a certain amount of geekiness, but these guys positively ooze pixels and bytes). No doubt they deserve their ranking, from a certain point of view.

Over at BatesLine, Michael comes across a scriptural basis for administering forgetfulness in liquid form. There are caveats: the patient must be on the verge of death, or extremely heavy-hearted; impoverished and in misery. The KJV text is at Bible Gateway.

Enough of the good morning stuff. We're burning daylight.


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