Monday, October 10, 2005

Redefining the term 'rambling wreck'

Police are describing the discovery of three explosive devices on the Georgia Tech campus -- one unfortunately went off and hurt a custodian -- as "a terrorist act."
"It is a terrorist act at this point and depending on the outcome of the investigation it potentially could become a federal violation as well," said Major C.W. Moss of the Atlanta Police Department.

The custodian found the three devices about 9 a.m. in a plastic-type garbage bag, Moss said. When he picked up the bag, one exploded, as it was designed to do when handled. The explosives were made up of chemicals placed inside plastic bottles and could have seriously injured someone, officials said. Numerous agencies were on the Georgia Tech campus to search for suspects.

"It will be a joint investigation between the Atlanta Police Department, the Georgia Tech Police Department, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Force. Every possible lead will be followed," said Major Moss.

About 100 students were evacuated from the Cloudman and Glenn dormitories, according to school spokeswoman Amelia Gambino.
Of course, that doesn't mean it was an act of a terrorist.

(Just ask David Boren. Heh.)

But it won't hurt to keep an eye on the progress of investigations.

UPDATE No.1 -- A suspicious device was found Friday on or near the campus of UCLA and detonated.


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