Friday, October 07, 2005

Honoring words, not deeds

Further evidence that the Nobel Peace Prize is now a worthless piece of crap:

OSLO, Norway (AP) - Mohamed ElBaradei and the International Atomic Energy Agency that he heads won the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for their efforts to stop the spread of nuclear weapons.

ElBaradei, a 63-year-old lawyer from Egypt, has led the U.N. nuclear agency as it grappled with the crisis in Iraq and the ongoing efforts to prevent North Korea and Iran from acquiring nuclear arms.

No evidence at all that the IAEA or ElBaradei has prevented the development of even one nuclear weapon, and a lot of reasons to suspect that the perceived weakness of the agency has encouraged rogue countries to press on with their development.

In the world of liberals, actions do not matter. Results do not matter.

Words matter. . Intentions are paramount.

Hot air wins the prize.



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