Monday, October 10, 2005

Up is down; down is up at OU?

We recommend reading the linked story at the OU Daily discussing the return of an OU student who earlier this year had been sent home after complaining about a Pakistani student.

You'll have to read carefully to see how, it is alleged, OU went out of its way to deny the student's due process rights (guaranteed by the constitutions of the United States and Oklahoma) after the Pakistani Student Association accused him of a "hate crime."

Armed with proper legal representation, it appears the student is forcing OU to back-track.

Commenting on the story (and HT kudos) is Tapscott's Copy Desk, which observes:
University administrations across the country seem completely unwilling to take strong disciplinary action unless the alleged offender happens to be accused of a "hate crime." Then the full might of academic tyranny with the power of permanently marring a student's record is used to force an often-defenseless kid to submit.

At OU that can mean signing an agreement to do away with such constitutional rights as having the opportunity to confront your accuser. Can you imagine what the ACLU would do if the U.S. government did the same thing? Read this piece from The OU Daily, paying particular attention to the details of the agreement forced on the "offending" student by the campus administration of President David Boren.
Who's running this asylum?


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