Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Jawas spank the OU Daily

There is more today on the insipid article in The OU Daily that condemns the "hacks" who are following the OU suicide bomb blast story as potentially something more than a depressed individual's lone suicide.

We talked about it yesterday HERE.

The Jawa Report does a better job than we did. (We calls 'em as we sees 'em.) Our favorite bits:
The problem with this student newspaper, and the mainstream-media in general, is that they cower in fear over reaction to any implication that the Muslim community might have a greater propensity towards terrorism than, say, the Mennonite community. They are, in fact, held hostage from the truth by their unwavering faith that all religious ideologies are equal in driving violence as those on the other end of the spectrum are held hostage from the truth by their unwavering faith that Islam, alone, is responsible for the ills of the world.

The fact remains that we have no idea what evidence the FBI has. The only bit of revealing information about which way the evidence is leading the FBI is a single statement from first assistant attorney for the Justice Department in Oklahoma City, Bob Troester, who said:

We don't comment on sealed indictments.
An indictment, even a sealed one, would mean that the FBI is already contemplating further arrest in the Oklahoma bombing. After all, one does not indict a corpse.
Of course, he adds, the FBI man may have meant "search warrant" instead of "indictment."
People make mistakes, slips of tongue happen. But until such time as the Justice Department seeks to clarify the statement, then we ought to assume that they meant what they said.

The fundamental question raised is whether or not we have learned anything from 9/11 or not? Do we continue to treat terrorism, as we did prior to 9/11, as an act of criminality or do we treat terrorism as an act of war?

There's more, and it's worth reading. Especially if you happen to work for the OU Daily. Get educated by people who know how to ask questions instead of blindly swallowing every bit of pablum spewed by certain people in power.


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