Saturday, October 15, 2005

Look who's selling death

Even as Islamic fundamentalists foment rebellion along the southern tier of Russia's still vast land holdings, comes word that Russia has sent former military personnel to help Iran build the capability of destroying Europe with nuclear tipped missiles.

Former members of the Russian military have been secretly helping Iran to acquire technology needed to produce missiles capable of striking European capitals.

The Russians are acting as go-betweens with North Korea as part of a multi-million pound deal they negotiated between Teheran and Pyongyang in 2003. It has enabled Teheran to receive regular clandestine shipments of top secret missile technology, believed to be channelled through Russia.

Western intelligence officials believe that the technology will enable Iran to complete development of a missile with a range of 2,200 miles, capable of hitting much of Europe. It is designed to carry a 1.2-ton payload, sufficient for a basic nuclear device.
Intelligence officials believe Vladimir Putin knows exactly what is going on. Which means the former KGB chief, now president, is playing a very dangerous game seeking to balance the security needs of Europe off against the long-term ambitions of the Iran mullahs. How Mother Russia steers a mid-course through this is not so clear; maybe he thinks the Islamic horde will be grateful enough to leave them alone?

This is not diplomacy: this is planned obsolescence of western civilization.


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