Thursday, October 13, 2005

Noonan to White House: Take a Do-Over

In a column in the Wall Street Journal today, Peggy Noonan once more demonstrates why she is:

a) one of the best political writers in America

b) one of the savviest political thinkers in America.

Noonan offers her insights into the Harriet Miers nomination mess, and a couple of pragmatic solutions for the president to resolve it. Whether he is amenable to a pragmatic solution is questionable, but he should at least read what she has to say. After all, one of the greatest presidents of all time, Ronald Reagan, not only listened, he kept her on the payroll.

First, Noonan considers the nomination unsalvageable. Not because of Miers' merits, or lack of them, but because the White House truly botched its preparations and its responses. This seems to be the growing view of most of those people who are inclined to support the president on other matters.

Her advice would not only give President Bush a fresh start, it would actually strengthen his hand with both conservatives and liberals with a new nominee -- providing, of course, that the new nominee is both qualified AND female.
(Before the Miers pick a man could have been considered, but to replace Ms. Miers now it will have to be a woman. Sometimes you just can't add more layers to the story.)
But enough of our boilerplate: Treat yourself to good writing and good thinking.

SECOND THOUGHTS -- Robbo the Llama delusionally rants that

Somebody should take Peggy Noonan's column today and staple copies of it to the forehead of every single person in the White House.

Regardless of what you might have thought of Harriet Miers to begin with, Dubya and his people have made a pig's breakfast of presenting her case the past week and a half. It's time to admit the error, climb down and start over.

Yips! to that.


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