Wednesday, October 12, 2005

After Hurricanes, Quakes & Floods, What's Next?

Our scientist-priests have figured out the Next Five Big Disasters.

Just to make it more fun, and to force you to read them for yourself, we'll just tell you where the disasters are supposed to happen.

1. Pacific Northwest.

2. Dallas. (Yeah, That Dallas!)

3. The entire freakin' East Coast of the United States.

4. Boulder, Colorado. (Home of the Big 12 North leading CU Buffalo.)

5. The entire multi-state freakin' United States, including Alaska and Hawaii.

If the list looks a little America-centric, and if it seems like the safest preparedness plan is to leave the country, be warned that some of these events might have the potential for spill-over into the rest of the planet.


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