Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Oh, no! It's Yoko! Alert

She sure can carry a grudge.

On the day after John Lennon's 65th birthday, it was a chance to remember old times and maybe even repair some damaged relationships.

But Yoko Ono had other things in mind.

While accepting a special award on behalf of her late husband, she gleefully renewed her long-running feud with Sir Paul McCartney.

Yoko, 72, suggested that Lennon was a far better singer than his fellow Beatle, and went on to pour scorn on McCartney's lyrics.

She accuses Paul of rhyming moon" with "June" -- which he never did, but who cares.
Yoko's comments perpetuate a row with McCartney which has been raging since she started dating Lennon in the late 1960s.

In the last few years she has threatened to sue him when he changed the famous Lennon/ McCartney writing credit around and in December banned him from using Yesterday on a solo album of love songs because it was a Beatles number, forcing him to scrap the project.
Beatles geeks like the Oklahomilist have known for years that Paul wrote "Yesterday" by his lonesome and recorded it solo, too, shocking the vacationing other members of the band. But he put Lennon/McCartney on the writing credits and the band shared the mechanical royalties, so it's not like anyone lost money on the deal.

Yoko has been a thorn in the side of Paul -- but mostly Beatles fans -- for over 36 years now, half her lifetime; more than that for some of us. Time has not changed her much, and it's not likely it ever will. It is ironic that the one thing that John wanted to be known for -- unconditional love -- is the hardest concept for her to accept.

There really is only one thing to do: Yoko, we forgive you. For our sake. For John's sake. And for yours.


At 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But I thought Paul was dead. At least this post at Total Information Analysis says so ...

At 12:23 AM, Blogger Dave the Oklahomilist said...

Seriously, Dearest Eleanor,

So Paul used a lot of the color red in his art, and that means he's dead? Or does that mean his killer did the paintings? We're sorry, we thought there would be voice print analyses, or DNA comparisons or maybe a Billy Sheer confession.

On the other hand, Miss Rigby, if that's who you really are, we are quite sure that you died in the church and were buried along with your name.

And, nobody came.

Geez, all the lonely people, where do they all come from?


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