Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Strange doings in Gwinnett County

As if the Georgia Tech bomb discover weren't enough, now there's word of a stolen jet mysteriously discovered at the Briscoe Field Airport not too far distant. Perhaps it's all just coincidence, but there's a lot of strangeness to report, says Michelle Malkin:
Several readers point to this story of a stolen plane that mysteriously appeared at Briscoe Field (via WXIA-TV):
A stolen airplane mysteriously showed up at Briscoe Field in Lawrenceville this past weekend, but no one knows where it came from or how it got there.

Investigators know someone piloted the plane, owned by St. Augustine, Fla.-based Pinnacle Aviation from there to Gwinnett County, but they say they have no idea as to who.

Police say the 1995 Cessna Citation arrived at Briscoe Field sometime between 9 p.m. Saturday and 6:30 a.m. Sunday.

Briscoe Field, Laura Mansfield points out, is the airport where "two of the 9/11 hijackers, Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi, trained for their terrorist mission" and also where this former fugitive illegal alien pilot trained.

Ok. How does a $7 million charter jet just disappear from Florida and mysteriously appear in Atlanta without anyone finding out until after the plane has landed and the pilot(s) disappeared?

There's much more. Go have a read.


At 10:35 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Another important question about this theft: why did it take the FBI so long to become involved? See my post at http://brelevant.blogspot.com/2005/10/fbi-finally-inovolved-in-investigating.html.


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