Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A 'rolling fast' - sacrificial farce

Several Hollywood types against the war are pledging to conduct a "rolling fast" in conjunction with celebrated moonbat Cindy Sheehan's authentic fast.

What, you might ask, is a "rolling fast"?

Hollywood star "A" abstains from food for 24 hours, then dials up Hollywood starlet "B" - ala a tag team maneuver - who will take it from there. Since almost anyone can go without food for a day, no one suffers much.

This is what passes for depth of commitment these days.

And the left wonders why America does not take their anti-war effort seriously.

Fasting should be done in the spirit of personal sacrifice. What we see instead is a sacrificial farce.

If these protesters were to combine fasting with prayer, asking God for the return of the soldiers in Iraq, they might actually see results. But no one seems eager to publicly discuss the spiritual benefits of praying and fasting for an end to the war. That's too bad, but not particularly surprising.

With few exceptions, the left would rather demonize the president and the military in pursuit of a political (worldly) solution to the war, than seek God's divine will on a spiritual (non-worldly) solution.


At 6:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rolling Fast??? Never heard of THAT one! And as for nutty Cindy Sheehan...is she still around? Her "crew" rolled into Rochester, New York (the nearest big city to me) and drew about 100 people...mostly those that don't have a job and won't have a job because Cindy's "pals" in government make sure they are well taken care of. But after they blew out of town, we in Western New York haven't heard nary a peep from her and her ilk. Oh well....


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