Thursday, January 08, 2009

Pill Creator sees his Handiwork as Evil

Victor Frankenstein regretted the creation of his "monster."

So does Carl Djerassi.

The fictional Dr. Frankenstein tried to reanimate dead tissue to create life.

Dr. Djerassi, an Austrian chemist, successfully created "the Pill" that prevents life from taking place, or destroys it shortly after its creation.
Eighty-five year-old Carl Djerassi the Austrian chemist who helped invent the contraceptive pill now says that his co-creation has led to a "demographic catastrophe."

In an article published by the Vatican this week, the head of the world's Catholic doctors broadened the attack on the pill, claiming it had also brought "devastating ecological effects" by releasing into the environment "tonnes of hormones" that had impaired male fertility, The Taiwan Times says.

The assault began with a personal commentary in the Austrian newspaper Der Standard by Carl Djerassi. The Austrian chemist was one of three whose formulation of the synthetic progestogen Norethisterone marked a key step toward the earliest oral contraceptive pill.

Djerassi outlined the "horror scenario" that occurred because of the population imbalance, for which his invention was partly to blame. He said that in most of Europe there was now "no connection at all between sexuality and reproduction." He said: "This divide in Catholic Austria, a country which has on average 1.4 children per family, is now complete."
Djerassi, co-inventor of Norethisterone, a synthetic progetogen, says that declining birth rates in Austria and other countries are an epidemic "far worse than obesity." Young Austrians who fail to have sufficient numbers of children are "committing national suicide."

Sadly you will not find this article in most daily newspapers whose editorial policies are deeply immersed in the Culture of Death (pro-choice). It is not likely that the Associated Press will waste any of its precious resources covering this story, even though Dr. Djerassi ought to be considered an authoritative voice in this matter. The AP is so heavily invested in promoting Planned Parenthood that it might as well be considered one of its public relations arms.

With a large number of people still believing in the Malthusian nonsense that world population is exploding (in many countries just the opposite is taking place, and the effect is accelerating), and the rest of the "civilized" world self-absorbed in hedonistic pursuits that contribute to a contraceptive mentality (kids are a burden, you know, and should be carefully planned so that they "occur" only when they are "affordable"), it is nearly impossible to get to the truth about the Pill and its social and environmental effects.

Were it not for immigration, the United States would be facing a population implosion. Even with immigration, the implosion will take place in coming years as the big Baby Boom generation ages and dies off. There already are financial problems beginning to show as we see that there will be too few productive citizens left to take care of the aging population. The real nightmare begins but a decade or so from now.

Pope Paul VI tried to warn the world with the encyclical Humanae Vitae in 1968 and got little but universal condemnation for his trouble.
The head of Austria's Catholics, Cardinal Christoph Schonborn, told an interviewer that the Vatican had forecast 40 years ago that the pill would lead to a dramatic fall in the birth rate in the west.

"Somebody above suspicion like Carl Djerassi ... is saying that each family has to produce three children to maintain population levels, but we're far away from that," he said.

Schonborn told Austrian TV that when he first read Pope Paul VI's 1968 encyclical condemning artificial contraception he viewed it negatively as a "cold shower." But he said he had altered his views as, over time, it had proved "prophetic."
In Biblical terms, 40 years is generally considered a generation. Forty years has elapsed. It's time a new generation of people faithful to God reversed this disastrous trend.

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