Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Novak Takes Catholic Newspaper to the Woodshed

I don't read L’Osservatore Romano but I know that it is an influential voice for many, often reflecting guidance from various high-ranking Vatican officials. Mostly I read second-hand reports of its coverage of events.

Lately the Catholic faithful in America have had cause to wonder if the reporters and editors of this newspaper have completely fallen under the sway, at long distance, of President Obama's powers of persuasion, and unable to any longer decipher the political rhetoric of the pro-abortion left in this country.

Happily, for those of you who are interested in such things, Michael Novak has taken L'Osservatore Romano to the woodshed for its various inexplicable failings, and I gladly link to his article here. Perhaps Pope Benedict will be alerted to this growing scandal and exert some influence over that newspaper to get the story right from now on. As Novak says:
Why on earth, then, does L’Osservatore Romano side with the abortionists, and against the besieged, struggling minority of churchgoing Catholics who find abortion abhorrent, and an intrinsic and unrationalizable evil? Were the great pro-life popes of the past not fully serious when they called abortion an intrinsic evil?

We ask Rome for bread, and L'Osservatore Romano gives us stones.
Read it all.



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