Wednesday, September 14, 2005

And now for something totally freaky ...

From The Epoch Times:

At about 6 p.m. on August 6, two students walked out of their library in Jilin University and looked up. “Look! A flying dragon appears in the sky!” A student named Li captured an image of the dragon on his picture-phone, providing the second instance of photo documentation of a dragon flying over China so far this summer. “When I was walking out of the library, I saw a bright, animal-shaped object flying in the sky, heading southeast. It was incredibly dazzling, just like a gigantic dragon. I immediately took a picture of this unusual event on my cellphone,” said excitedly Li, a student at Jilin University, Jilin province.
Li estimates the object to have been over ten meters long. It was at the altitude of an airplane but was much bigger and flying very fast. At first the flying object radiated a low metallic light. It then became more and more dazzling over the next two minutes before it disappeared into the southeast. “Seeing the flying object, I instantly took out my cellphone and captured its picture,” Li said emotionally.
Note that it has taken over a month for the picture and story to hit The Epoch Times, which may be par for the course for news coming out of the People's Republic (Red China).

To our vantage point it appears that the image might be sunlight reflecting off a bank of storm clouds, although it is quite bright and there's additional detail that doesn't quite make sense.

Then again it could be one of the signs of the times, a real manifestation of a spiritual presence, and while Chinese regard dragons as benign, the Oklahomilist is not a big fan.

(Hat Tip: Mike at Spirit Daily)


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