Thursday, October 21, 2004

Another reason European Union is no ally

Several news outlets, including Agency France Presse (Syria, EU reach agreement on weapons) are reporting that the European Union and Syria are close to a trade agreement that would allow Syria to keep its existing weapons of mass destruction (WMD) as long as it promises to keep them to itself.

As President Bush said several times during the debates, "Where do I start?" There is so much wrong with this, but we'll have a go at it.

1. Why does Syria have WMD? We know it is a fact because Syria got caught lending nerve gas agents to Sudan about six months ago, a little experiment that killed quite a few non-Muslim rebels in Darfour. (Unanswered question: why isn't the American media on this one?) The best speculation is that Syria got its WMD mostly from Saddam, probably just before the Iraq War or in the early hours. The recently released Duelfer report stated that Saddam's WMD, or at least part of it, went to Syria in this manner. (Bet you won't hear John Kerry cite that part of the report, will you?)

2. By what authority does the EU negotiate on permitting WMD to exist? The ability to conduct trade deals? A trade deal outweighs international sanctions? Boys and girls, can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y?

3. In light of this news is there anyone in the United States who can take seriously John Kerry's claim that we should be apologizing for our actions to take out Saddam, and make nice with France, Germany and other EU sophisticates who won't spend a dime to get rid of a tyrant or rebuild a country, but will bend over backwards to accomodate Islamic thugs with WMD, all for money?

One statement in the AFP report give a right-thinking individual utter pause:

The EU has pursued the agreement despite U.S. sanctions against Syria earlier this year over its alleged support for terrorism and other issues, including an alleged banned weapons program. While the deal has been ready for signing since December 2003, talks stalled after the EU sought more stringent Syrian commitments on weapons.

In response, Damascus said it wanted the entire Mideast to be free of weapons of mass destruction.

In diplo-talk, that last sentence means Syria will hold on to its WMD as long as Israel has nuclear capabilities. In translation, it means that Europe is once again siding against Israel and with the sworn enemies of Judaism and Christendom.

Bet on it. This is the kind of diplomatic negotiations that John Kerry will smile on if he becomes president. The more sensitive, nuanced understanding of the world. Let the more radical Islamic countries have WMD so they won't feel so threatened. Nevermind that it likely will provide new toys for terrorists.

Absolutely unbelievable.
Updated at 6:52 p.m. to correct an absolutely unbelievably stupid spelling mistake.


At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you do know that you spelled Hypocrisy wrong, don't you? don't look now but your ignorance is showing.


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