Friday, September 16, 2005

More Bull-Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan found time in her "bus trip across America" to rip into George W. Bush some more, demanding that he "pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans."

No, seriously.

True, she also added Iraq for good measure. And this: Bush "should excuse his self (sic) from power."

Drudge said she posted on the Huff&Puff (Ariana's goofy blog) and Michael Moore's online exile for the terminally logic flawed, but since we avoid those places like the Asian Bird Flu we'll have to take his word for it.

Could Cindy -- or her enablers -- be any more pathetic?

The rest of America saw that the real Katrina rescue began when the federal troops arrived, and the national debate has been on why they weren't there sooner.

Occupied New Orleans? The problem isn't "occupied" New Orleans. It's that New Orleans is mostly unoccupied.



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