Friday, March 03, 2006

No one knows the server troubles we've seen

This is for those of you who might have stopped by after failing to access our other web presence, Oklahomily ... not the blog.

We're having some server problems, obviously, and we hope that they are resolved before noon on Saturday. (We haven't actually been promised that they will be fixed by then ... we're just saying a prayer or so periodically and hoping for the best.) The servers were down for about 24 hours early in the week, and today we've been unable to update the site. By 9 p.m. the server was totally down and so is our web site.

And it's no consolation at all that there are several other clients of our hosts similarly affected.

In a tragic case of "too soon old, too late smart," we also realized that our Oklahomily The Blog banner with "the waving wheat (that) sure smells sweet" is an inadvertent victim too, as we were hosting the banner ourselves. We should be smart enough to figure our way out of this one, but it's been a long day and we're not going to worry about it tonight.

All of which brings us ever closer to the day when we'll have our own servers, with redundant backup.


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